Graphic Design

According to, the average base pay for a graphic designer in the United States is $48,561 a year. This doesn’t include the additional costs of recruiting, benefits, training, and other miscellaneous costs. TheUndercoverRecruiter estimates $3,500 per employee in direct and indirect recruiting costs, $1,200 per year per employee for training, and 25%-40% for benefits. This means on average it costs a U.S. company between $65k and $73k for a full-time graphic designer. This also doesn’t take into consideration making the wrong hire. The cost of a bad hire can cost roughly $25,000 for a low paying job.

Something you should consider when hiring a graphic designer is the number hours you’ll actually utilize the graphic designer. Often times a graphic designer is only needed a few hours a week versus 40-hour work weeks. Instead of committing to a full-time employee and the costs associated to it, you should consider a pay for services model.

AdNora offers creative services for $75 per hour without any commitments. If you need a brochure to be designed that requires 5 hours of work, AdNora will charge $375 (5 hours x $75 per hour). We believe this is a better option than having a full-time graphic designer for ~$70k and only utilizing him or her 50% of the time.

For more information on AdNora’s graphic design services, contact us here.