Social Media Marketing
If you asked the average person on the street what the purpose of LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter were, the most likely response would be to create social connections. While this is true, another reality is that all of these social platforms view themselves as data companies. Think about all the data people willingly give up to these social platforms. People share their names, job titles, skill sets, company, location, likes, dislikes, and so much more. In turn, the social platforms sell access to this data so marketers can place ads using data driven decisions.
Imagine if you work in information technology and could place a LinkedIn sponsored ad in the newsfeed of chief information officers in the United States at companies with more than 500 employees. Or maybe you’re selling makeup and can place Facebook ads in front of everyone that likes the Sephora, MAC, Makeup Forever, Ulta, and any other makeup store or brand.
In addition to paid advertising, organic social media is a great way to get exposure and gain earned media. On Twitter, you can hop into existing conversations using hashtags. If you stay committed with engaging content multiple times a day, you will acquire clicks, likes, retweets, and followers. Imagine acquiring 10,000 followers and whenever you post something on your channel, it will pop up in all of their newsfeeds at no additional cost.
For more information on how AdNora can improve your social media efforts, contact us here.